Jackson Barracks: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5 / Last Saturday of the Month 9 – 2

Training Center Pineville: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5



Beechcraft AT-11 “Kansan”

The Beechcraft AT-11 was used to train bombardiers, navigators and turret gunners. More than 90% of U.S. bombardiers were trained in the AT-11. The aircraft was such a stable, rugged design that it was used by the U.S. and other countries from 1939 until well into the 1970’s

This aircraft had a different assignment with 122nd Bomb Squadron. It was used as an advanced trainer for pilots in transition from single-engine to multi-engine aircraft. After completing required flying time in the AT-11 they were ready to move on to the Douglas A-26 “Invader” for continued training and certification.

The Beechcraft AT-11, Serial No.44-951, was dedicated in July 1999 as a “hands on” display at the Jackson Barracks Military Museum.