Jackson Barracks: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5 / Last Saturday of the Month 9 – 2


Training Center Pineville: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5



Jackson Barracks Exhibits

Huey helicopter in Disaster Response  Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Disaster Response
Featuring the Louisiana National Guard Response to Hurricane Katrina.

Humvee vehicle in Iraq and Afghan Wars  Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Iraq/Afghan Wars
“Always Ready, Always There” Louisiana has deployed over 21,000 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen who served alongside regular Army and Airforce members during the Global War on Terror.

Humvee Vehicle in Desert Storm Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Desert Storm 1990
Louisiana National Guard’s role in the liberation of Kuwait during the First Gulf War

F4 Airplane Cold War Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Cold War 1946-1991
Experience the view of an Air Guard pilot from the cockpit of an F-4 Jet.

Stuart Tank in the World War Two Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

World War II 1940-1945
The story of the Louisiana Guard’s contribution to the war alongside an early Stuart Light Tank, a Norden Bombsight and actual walls from a WWII Barracks.

French Renault Tank in the World War One Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

World War I 1917-18
Featuring a 1918 Cadillac staff car, a walk-through trench experience and a rare French Renault Tank.

USS New Orleans Deck Gun in the Spansh American Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Spanish American War 1898
The Louisiana National Guard’s role in the Spanish American War featuring the deck gun from the USS New Orleans.

Civil War-Reconstruction 1860-1877
Coming in 2023. Learn what Louisiana soldiers experienced in 1865.  

1848 American Flag in theMexican American War Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Mexican-American War 1846-1848
Featuring a 175 year old American flag, this was the first major deployment of Louisiana Soldiers as the US expanded its boundaries creating Texas, New Mexico and California.

Flintlock Pistol in the Battle of New Orleans Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Battle of New Orleans 1814
during the War of 1812 when a diverse group of Americans defeated British invaders.

French, Choctaw and Enslaved Soldiers during 1729 Natchez War in the Path to Statehood Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum

Path to Statehood 1718-1812
Covering the arrival of Europeans and Africans and the development of the Louisiana Militia.

Muskets in the Wall of Weapons Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum

Wall of Weapons
Over 194 pistols, revolvers, rifles, muskets and crew-served weapons from our Small Arms Collection.

Artist rendering of Jackson Barracks in 1834 in the Jackson Barracks Museum.

History of Jackson Barracks 1834-present
Completed in 1834, this National Register Historic District is believed to be the largest intact group of antebellum structures in the United States.

Flintlock Pistol in the Battle of New Orleans Exhibit at Jackson Barracks Museum.

Collections Exhibits A few of the interesting items preserved in our archives and collections storage.

An h1890s image of Louisiana Guard training camp from the Thompson Collection in the Jackson Barracks Museum archive.

Photograph Collections
Check out our historic photos on Flikr

Outdoordisplays at the Jackson Barracks Museum.

Outdoor Displays
Tanks, Planes, vehicles, Guns, even an Air Traffic Control Tower.