STARBASE is a National Guard Youth Program. It is a highly interactive academic enrichment program designed for 5th grade students. Academies are conducted one day a week at Jackson Barracks in New Orleans. Students will have access to exciting enviorments in which to implement the STARBASE curriculum, giving students a new perception of math, science and technology outside the classroom. The curriculum is comprised of hands-on activities and site tours af Army and Air National Guard facilities. At STARBASE students will learn; Teamwork, Aviation Physics, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Computer Flight Simulation, Goal-Setting Skills, Model Rocketry and The Importance of a Healthy, Drug-Free Lifestyle.
STARBASE goals are: INVOLVE students in hands-on activities that strengthen their interest in science and technology, ENCOURAGE students to take positive action to make their dreams a reality, HELP students understand the negative impact of drug abuse on living organisms, PROVIDE teacher training in math, science, and innovative uses of technology.
Although the weather was somewhat threatening early in the day the “Guard” showed up in force with men and equipment to help the Restoration Unit move the STARBASE Cessna from the Eckelmann Building to its display site at the STARBASE Facility. The wings were attached and it was tied down where it awaits final assembly. The Cessna will be a wonderful learning tool for the STARBASE students enabling them to familiarize themselves with a real aircraft similar to the ones they will fly on the flight simulators.