Jackson Barracks: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5 / Last Saturday of the Month 9 – 2

Training Center Pineville: Tuesday – Friday, 9 – 5



Willys M38-A1

Produced first in 1952, the LANG Museum’s Willys is circa 1955. It was a redesign improvement on the M38 Model. Among the new features were rounded fenders, a contoured hood, a two-piece windshield and top mounted windshield wipers. Above all it was a military “work horse” frequently fitted with a machine gun with the star of the show being it’s “Hurricane” F-Head engine. The compact, light-weight powerhouse of an engine has been removed from our Willys and will undergo a rebuild. Our 122nd Bomb Squadron Restoration Group is slowly but surely bringing it back to life. We are looking forward to seeing it running again!